Stockwell Hall of Fame
We worked with Network Homes to carry out a consultation on Stockwell Hall of Fame, an internationally recognised graffiti wall in a Stockwell Estate.
We brought together local residents, partners and users of the space to ensure that Stockwell Hall of Fame is improved and made practical recommendations about potential changes to the space.
Community consultation exercise
The scope of the commission was to use community research to identify potential next steps for the graffiti pen and to recommend steps going forward. We then reviewed existing information including history, usage and management of the graffiti pen and identified stakeholders including residents, housing associations, graffiti artists, schools and partner organisations including community groups. We then created and conducted surveys to drill down into what different stakeholders thought about the graffiti pen and what course of action they wanted to see pursued. We conducted community research with both residents and graffiti artists through different mediums including face to face interviews on the street and through doorknocking, online surveys and a focus group in a local school.
Following the work, the Stockwell Hall of Fame has reopened in May 2019. The revamped space has a mix of facilities for the community to enjoy. The interior walls have been retained for artists to work and there is a sports court for football and basketball. There is also a new internal podium which can be used for wider community use such as showing films.
The space will be managed by a subsidiary of Network Homes and lots of different stakeholders are delighted with the final outcome that has resulted.