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Clients & Projects

Support, advice and training to ensure efficient service and sustainability.

We have had successful experiences both in the UK and abroad in developing the capacity of organisations and projects through practical support, advice and training to ensure they deliver a more efficient service and are sustainable. Please follow links below to see a list of clients and projects we have worked with.

Clients and Projects

Clients in the UK – Ongoing projects

Hover over the title to see whether it features a link and find out more.


Civil Society Roots 3 Support Programme 


Commissioned by The Greater London Authority (GLA) we have partnered with Sian Penner from Community Collective to provide a programme of support to 31 successful grant applicants. 

Civil Society Roots 3 is a grant programme for community led organisations impacted by structural inequalities, targeted at 10 London Boroughs: Bromley, Enfield, Harrow, Havering, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Newham, Redbridge, Sutton, Wandsworth.  We are running a support programme providing capacity building and networking opportunities to strengthen the roots of ‘community-led’ civil society groups, so that boroughs, regional funders, and other actors can work more effectively in the places identified through an Evidence Review. 

Our role is to:

  • Support successful grantees increase the support systems available to them
  • Create spaces for grantees to experiment, explore and connect on how best to address systemic issues and structural inequalities. 
  • Strengthen and contribute to a healthy equity-led ecosystem. Using evidence, identify areas and support the development of community-led solutions to strengthening communities

We are doing this by:

  • Organising, planning, and facilitating a series of targeted accessible skills workshops
  • Organising, planning, and facilitating borough based and pan London networking events
  • One to one support to grantees
  • Building up a pool of helpful resources on specific areas 
  • Supporting an online platform for grantees and our team to share information and good practise with each other

The aim is that by the end of the programme grantees will have developed a long-term work programme and sustainable ways of working, made strong connections and networks within the borough and across communities and be supported in planning for next steps.


Hong Kong Incubator – Welcoming Hongkongers Fund 

July 2022 – February 2024

Commissioned by The Greater London Authority (GLA) we have partnered with Sian Penner from Community Collective to provide a programme of support to successful grant applicants.

Welcoming Hongkongers Fund is a grant programme for projects and organisations led by and/or for Hongkongers to identify activities that will contribute to their welcome and integration in London and have a positive impact on the lives of new arrivals from Hong Kong. 

Our role is to support the successful grantees build their capacity throughout their grant timeline through collaborations, supporting organisations to become well networked, improve coordination and enable joining up working with other organisations and services, build capacity in community-led infrastructure, incubate collaborative projects and support monitoring delivery. 

As part of the support programme, we will run a series of targeted workshops and networking events and build up a pool of helpful resources focusing on specific areas and topics identified as where the support will be most beneficial.



Greenwich Council – Deep Engagement Programme 

May 2022 – August 2022 

We supported seven neighbourhood teams in Greenwich become more sustainable through a programme of capacity building and support to develop longer terms plans and enable them to become more self-sustaining and resilient. This included providing facilitation support, training, advice, practical help and tools for neighbourhood teams in strengthening how they work, build their organisational, financial capacity and support them to access other opportunities for funding and support.

Westway Trust 

June – July 2022

Map the current supply of community facilities, spaces, studious, exhibition space within the local area to inform a costing and a financial model for the community spaces in the redeveloped Westway site.

Civil Society Roots 3 – The Ideas Camp  

January – April 2022

Commissioned by the Greater London Authority we partnered with Sian Penner from Community Collective to provide support to equity led organisations through pre-application workshops called The Idea Camp, to develop their project ideas and submissions to the Civil Society Roots 3.

Civil Society Roots 3 is a grant programme for community led organisations impacted by structural inequalities, targeted at 10 London Boroughs: Bromley, Enfield, Harrow, Havering, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Newham, Redbridge, Sutton, Wandsworth. 

We delivered a series of 4 workshops in each of the 10 Boroughs where user led civil society groups and the support available to them does not exist or needs strengthening. 

Each workshop was carefully designed to build connections between groups, explore how groups could work together, identify their strengths, develop their project ideas through defining their need/issue and gap, clarify priorities for the funding application and project idea and provide support on how to strengthen key aspects in their applications. 

COVID-19 Community Engagement & Peer Research Project in Bedford 

November 2021 – October 2022

Commissioned by Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council, we are working in partnership with NatCen to carry out a piece of engagement and research with people disproportionately affected by COVID-19 in Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire. The purpose is to understand how they have been  impacted by COVID, gain a better understanding of why this may have taken place and co-develop solutions to those issues. A key element is to ensure that the voice of communities  is heard by involving them in the research and   recruiting and training people from the communities most affected as peer researchers.

Lewisham Council

May – November 2022

Working as part of a team from Campbell Tickell as a specialist resident engagement partner to provide strategic advice on the design of an engagement exercise. This is to ensure Lewisham Homes conforms to current best practice.

Broad Green Big Local

January – July 2022 

We worked with Broad Green Big Local in Croydon to help facilitate conversations around the key challenges they had and supported them to move forward, strengthen their foundations and continue delivering great initiatives in the local community.

Noel Park Big Local (NPBL)

April 2020 – July 2022

We continue to support the Noel Park Big Local Partnership.  The focus of our support has been largely around assisting the Partnership in strategic conversations with Haringey Council around developing their legacy of a community run and owned community asset in the Big Local area. Support has also included support with engaging landscape architects to consult and develop plans for the improvement of a local park in partnership with the Council.

Lewisham Homes

January 2019 – July 2022 

Lewisham Homes are delivering 450 new homes as part of its regeneration of Achilles Street. Paul was appointed by the Resident Steering Group as the Independent Chair. In this role he supports the steering group meetings and ensures the residents have a voice in their discussions with Lewisham Homes and influence the regeneration to ensure it is responsive to the needs of local residents.


Phoenix Housing Association 

August – October 2022

Working as part of a team from Campbell Tickell on an independent governance and resident empowerment review for Phoenix Community Housing. A key focus of the review is to assess how effective resident involvement in decision making is and ways this could be strengthened.


St Ann’s Neighbourhood – Catalyst Housing

June 2021 – March 2022

We recruited and brought together a diverse, dedicated and knowledgeable group of local residents to help shape the development of a new neighbourhood within the St Ann’s community of South Tottenham.

This involved the formation of two groups – a ‘Design Forum’ and an ‘Interim Uses Working Group’ chosen by a selection panel of local and trusted leaders.

The Design Forum’s purpose is to work closely with the design team on some aspects of the development plan and the Interim Uses Working Group’s purpose is to develop an interim uses strategy and plan with the housing association.

The work of the Interim Uses Working Group resulted in the delivery of the Peace and Wellness Festival event in summer. This event was held on the development site and welcomed more than 300 local people on the day who were interviewed to gather information relating to the development of the New Neighbourhood.

Strategic Review of Estate Management and Community Development Services – South Dublin County Council  

Sep 21-Feb 22

We worked with Campbell Tickell on a strategic review of Estate Management and Community Development Services for South Dublin County Council.

The work involved reviewing their community development needs, and considering existing assets, resources, and provisions to support the identification of the areas where investments of time and money could make the greatest positive impact.

We also assessed the strengths and weaknesses of their current approach and facilitated focus groups with senior staff, operational managers, staff teams and other stakeholders. This resulted in a proposed new community development and estate management service model.

Young People Affected by Violence (YPAV) Steering  Group

July 2019 – ongoing

Working alongside Sian Penner Associates, 2021 has marked the second year of working with young people, the GLA and community sports organisations to explore and test different approaches to making a positive difference to young people at risk through sports.

This saw the formation of the SYV Subgroup and the voting in of two co-chairs Navjeet Sira and David Okunade (young person) to co-facilitate the workshops and oversee the work of the sub group. 

The Subgroup has played an active role in developing the pilot projects and feeding the work back to the larger Steering Group for review and agreement. There will be more intensive work on the pilot projects being rolled out at the end of this year and in to 2022.

CB1 Community

May 2017 – ongoing

Following initial facilitation of key stakeholder discussions and a summit in 2017 to develop a shared approach for CB1 development in Cambridge, we support the CB1 Community initiative on the CB1 Estate through community engagement work. Community Engagement and Project Coordinator Sam Kenward appointed in July 2018 to be based 3 days a week on the estate to work with residents, businesses and partners to further improve CB1 as a place to live, work and play. Visit their website for more information about the initiative and the estate generally.

Local Trust

November 2013 – February 2022

Big Local Rep for Farley Hill in Luton and Elthorne.

BANG Edutainment


We have worked with BANG over time on different projects and areas such as business planning. BANG are a Brent based charity that supports young people and families to build confidence, self-esteem and skills through a range of activities / programmes.